My father was the perfect example of "Winning Thru Adversity"
Choose to perfect your life by choosing noble and righteous examples to follow. It's not easy, but it is worth the journey.
Chateau Charmant |
Each and every day comes with new challenges. Adversity prompts us to make decisions. How will we act, or react to any situation? Will we be acted upon or become the actor - the creator of our own destiny. It is essential to choose to be active in these decisions. Because lack of a choice is still a choice. All this creates the life we will lead and where we end up. Choose to be happy, to make the most of every difficult situation. My father was the perfect example of "Winning Thru Adversity" Choose to perfect your life by choosing noble and righteous examples to follow. It's not easy, but it is worth the journey.
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Author Here's where Bonnie Talks: "Married couples who love each other tell each other a thousand things without talking" Chinese proverb... so what am I thinking? Archives
January 2021