As one small person in this grand design of life, we each are responsible to those we care about, not to usurp undue power. As parents, a spouse, a child, a character in the community or in the world, we need to be sensitive to the needs of others. This does not mean taking from one who has more and giving to another who has less (that act enslaves us and takes our freedoms). Ask any child if that is fair, they will tell you emphatically "no". But sharing is another thing. If we can create in our own hearts the tender feelings of concern for another, we then voluntarily take care of those needs. That is the big Secret.... LOVE. When we truly care we do whatever we can to help another. LOVE is the KEY to open the door to the tragedies of the world.
In every family we should make the decision to love first, love always. It's a voluntary act that reaps world benefits.